Monday, June 25, 2012

Tiny Pets Rescue House!

Tiny Pets Rescue House Pattern

© 2012 Bizzy Crochet Designs

House bag

The gang

The caretaker

The puppy

The kitty

The macaw

The turtle

The mouse/muskrat


Difficulty Level: Advanced Beginner to Intermediate
Finished Size of bag: Approx 14”H x 7” W
Average finished size of characters: 2-3/4” to 7”
**Note** Do not join rows unless directed.
Gauge: 4”x4”=16scx16rows with H hook and RHSS Worsted

Materials Needed:  (All yarn amounts are approximate. You may need more or less depending on your gauge.)
HOUSE SUPPLIES: House Color- 6 oz Worsted Weight (used Bernat Super Value in Bright Yellow) Roof/Floor/Door Color- 6 oz worsted Weight (used Red Heart Super Saver in Black)
Window Colors- Small Amounts of light blue and brown
Foliage Color- Small Amount of green (used RHSS Spring Green)
Flower Colors- Small Amounts of brown and flower colors  
For small flowers use baby/sport weight
For large flowers use worsted weight
Fence color- Small amount of white worsted weight
H hook/F hook & large eye needle for assembly
1 sheet stiff plastic canvas
1” Shank button in door color

ANIMAL SUPPLIES: **You can use whatever colors you want. I use only sport weight or very light weight worsted’s like Caron Simply Soft or Wool Ease. I use Red Heart Soft sparingly because it tends to work up thick. I am only going to put a list of colors used for the animals. You can either stick to my list, or choose colors from your stash to complete your animals.  You will not need more than 2 oz of each color for each character. Just be aware that if you use a worsted yarn like Red Heart Super Saver, you will make a larger character. If you are committed to the larger size, you may want to go all the way and bump your hook size up from an F hook to a G hook for hand comfort. Just remember, your character may not fit comfortably in the house.
F hook & large eye needle for assembly
Fiberfill -
Fuzzy brown for muskrat/mouse (used Wool Ease) -
Two-tones of brown for dog (Used Caron SS) -
Single color for cat (used Wool Ease) -
2 colors for macaw body & head/wings, black for mouth & feet (used Caron SS and Wool Ease) -Skin color, uniform color and shoe color for caretaker (used Caron SS and Wool Ease) -
tan and green for turtle, white for eyes (used Caron SS tan & white and RH Soft guacamole/avocado?) -
small amts of black, white, blue, red, etc for eyes, noses and mouths.

Start with Black & H hook
Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch. (6) do not join.
Row 2- 2sc in each sc (12)
Row 3- (1sc, 2sc in next) around. (18)
Row 4- (1sc in 2, 2sc in next) around (24)
Row 5- (1sc in 3, 2sc in next) around (30)
Row 6-10- continue increasing 1 sc per stitch series until you have (1sc in 8sc, 2sc in next). (60)
Row 11- BLO (back loops only) sc in each sc (60)
*Take a minute to cut a piece of plastic canvas to the size of your bottom circle.
Row 12- in Both Loops, sc in each (60)
Cut Black, Attach Yellow and continue
Row 13- sc
Row 14- sc in 20sc, chg to black, sc in 10sc, chg to yellow, sc in 30sc. (60)
Row 15-20- Repeat row 14 (60)
*After row 20- cut yellow, change to black
Row 21-BLO- (sc in 8, sc dec) around (54)
Row 22- in Both Loops(sc in 7, sc dec) around (48)
Row 23-28- continue decreasing 1sc per stitch series until you have (sc in 1, sc dec) (12)
**Begin to stuff firmly at about row 25, placing the piece of plastic canvas you previously cut on the bottom before filling- Make sure your open loops are to the outside or right side.
Row 29- (sc dec) around. (6) Finish off leaving a long end.
Using needle sew top closed and weave ends.

With yellow & H hook & working in open loops from row 20 of bottom
Row 1- with Right Side (RS) facing you, attach with house color to the left side of the “door” (black space on bottom piece), sc in each loop to the opposite side of the “door”. (50sc)
Row 2-7- Ch1, turn, sc in each sc (50)
Row 8- Ch1, turn,  2sc in first and last sc, sc in rest of sc as usual (52)
Row 9-10- Repeat row 8- finishing with (56sc) on row 10. Ch4, join with 1st sc of row 10.
Row 11- Ch1, turn, sc in all ch’s and sc’s around. (60), join.
Row 12-20- ch1, turn, sc in each sc around, join. (60)
At the end of row 20, cut, weave end.

With black & H hook
Row 1- ch2, 5sc in 2nd ch from hook (5)
Row 2- sc in each sc
Row 3- 2sc in each sc (10)
Row 4- sc in each sc
Row 5- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) repeat around (15)
Row 6- sc in each sc
Row 7- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) rpt around (20)
Row 8- sc in each sc
Row 9- 2sc in each sc (40)
Row 10-14- sc in each sc
Row 15- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) rpt around (60)
Row 16-23- sc in each sc
Row 24-31- Repeat rows 21-28 of bottom. Start stuffing @ Row 28
Do not insert any plastic into the roof.

Roof edging: 
Row 1- With bottom of body facing you, attach the roof to the body through both loops of sc on last row of body and open loops on roof, sc around (60) join.
Row 2- ch1, do not turn, sc in each sc, join.
Row 3- ch3, 4dc in join sp, (sk 1sc, sc in next, sk 1sc, 5dc in next) repeat around. Join.

With black , H hook: Make 2
Row 1- ch11, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch (10)
Row 2-7- ch1, turn, sc
Row 8- sc dec, sc in 6sc, sc dec (8)
Row 9- sc dec, sc in 4sc, sc dec (6)
Row 10- sc dec, sc in 2sc, sc dec (4)
**Before sewing pieces together, cut a piece of plastic canvas to fit between. Hold wrong sides of door pieces together and sc around the edges making sure to go through all thicknesses and putting 3sc in corners. Don’t forget to slide your piece of plastic canvas between the pieces before you get too far.
Door Knob- Keep RS of door facing you!
Either slip stitch up the side to where you want your door knob to be placed, or cut your yarn from putting your door together and reattach at the side. Either way, ch4, sl st in next sc, turn work, 6sc in ch4 space, sl st to join and cut. Your door knob is made. Weave all your ends in to make your work neat.  

Door Decorations: You can decorate the door if you want or not… With light gray or blue & F hook Row 1- ch4, 12dc in 1st ch (12dc)
Row 2- change to brown, 2sc in each dc (24sc)
Cut yarn and sew on. Sew door to opening, sew button at door knob.

Leaves: with H hook & green worsted
Ch8, sc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, dc in next 2 ch, hdc in next ch, sc in next ch, 3 sl st in last ch, (now working on opposite side of beg ch) sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next 2 ch, hdc in next ch, sc in last ch.
Cut leaving a long end for sewing.

Stems: with H hook & green worsted ch 16 (or any desired length), sl st in 2nd ch from hook and each ch to the end.
Cut, leave a long end.

Flowers: follow materials list for yarn/hooks for different flower sizes:
Small/Large Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6) do not join, switch to flower color
Row 2- join flower color to center color with sl st in 1st sc. Sl st to next sc in the row to keep moving to the next petal. (ch3, 2dc, ch3, sl st in sm sp) in each sc around,. (6 petals made)
Cut, leaving a long end to sew.

Fence Posts: with H hook & white worsted
ch 16, sl st in 2nd ch from hook and each ch. (15) Cut and leave a long end for sewing on. *I only made 2. Then I slip stitched a “fence” between the posts on the body of the house.

Window: with H hook & light blue and brown
Row 1- ch7, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each (6)
Row 2-7- ch1, turn, sc in each.
After row 7, cut blue and attach brown.
 Edge window with brown, putting a sc in each row end & sc and 3sc in each corner. I stitched a “window pane” look with brown.
When you cut your yarn, leave a very long end for attaching to the house.

with house color and H hook
Row 1- ch6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each (5)
Row 2-30- ch1, turn, sc in each
When you hit the end of row 30, turn the strap without cutting and work a sc into each row end. When you get to the opposite end of the strap, cut, leave a long end.
Reattach on the other side and repeat. This makes your strap sturdier, prettier and less likely to stretch out. 
Sew handle to whichever side you put the button for your door. 


Puppy: with F hook & 2 tones of brown
Body: Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each sc (12)
Row 3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) repeat around (18)
Row 4- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) repeat around (24)
Row 5-7- sc in each sc
Row 8- (sc in 2sc, sc dec) repeat around (18)
Row 9- sc *Start Stuffing
Row 10- (sc in 1sc, dec) repeat around (12)
Row 11- (sc dec) around (6)
Row 12- sc in each (6). Finish off.

Head: Rows 1-3- Repeat as for body
Row 4-5- sc in each sc (18)
Row 6- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) repeat around (12)
Row 7- sc in each sc
*Start Stuffing
Row 8- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) repeat around (8) Cut, leave a long end for sewing and sew to body.

Muzzle: Row 1- ch2, 8sc in 2nd ch from hook (8)
Row 2- sc in each. Finish off.  Embroider a black nose, sew to face.

Ears: make 2
Row 1- ch2, 7sc in 2nd ch from hook (7)
Row 2-5- sc in each sc
Row 6- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around, sc in last (5) cut, sew on to sides of head
Embroider eyes above muzzle and a line on the muzzle for the mouth.

Tail: ch6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next, hdc in last 3 ch. Cut and sew onto butt.

Back legs: make 2
Row 1- ch3, sc in 2nd ch from hook, 3 sc in next ch,(working on opposite side of original ch) 2sc in first ch. (6sc)join
Row 2- ch1, 2sc in first 2sc, sc in next, 2sc in next 2sc, sc in next, join. Don’t cut.
Right Foot: ch4, 4sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in last 2 ch’s and to hind leg. Sew to body.
Left Foot: after join, sl st to next sc, repeat as for right foot.

Front legs: make 2 ch6, 4sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st in remain. Cut and sew to front.

Kitty: with F hook & body color
Repeat body and head of puppy
Cheeks: w/ top of head facing you, sl st around posts from row 5, 3sc around post, sl st around next post, 3sc around next post. Finish, tuck ends.
Embroider green eyes and a pink nose/mouth

Whiskers: tie a knot, pull the yarn through under the nose and tie another knot, cut, fray ends. Do this for as many whiskers as you want.

Left ear- front facing away, join with sl st around post of row 2 on side of head. Ch4, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next, hdc in the last.  sl st to next post down.
Right ear- front facing you, repeat on opposite side of the head.

Hind Legs: make 2
Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each sc (12)
Row 3- sc in each sc, join, finish off leaving a long end.
Stuff lightly while sewing to lower half of body on opposite sides.

Foot: make 2
Row 1- ch2, 5sc in 2nd ch from hook (5)
Row 2-4- sc in each sc. Cut, flatten, sew to front of hind legs. One on each side.

Tail: ch15, sl st in 2nd ch & rem ch’s. leave long end for sewing, sew to butt.

Front Legs: make 2 ch10, 4sc in 2nd ch from hook, sl st  in rem ch’s. Attach to upper body

Muskrat/Mouse: with F hook & mouse color
Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each sc (12)
Row 3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (18)
Row 4-8- sc in each sc
*Now, turn inside out. The backside will be the RS because the ‘fuzz’ is better.
Row 9- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (12)
Row 10- sc in each
Row 11- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (8)
Row 12- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in 2sc) repeat (12)start stuffing
Row 13- (sc in 2sc, sc dec twice) repeat (8)
Row 14- (sc dec) four times (4)
Row 15- sc dec twice (2).
Cut, sew closed Embroider eyes and small nose.
For ears- put 3sc around the posts behind the “puffs”
Legs- Front & back- sl st around a sc post. Remember you will need 4 legs, so position yourself accordingly. Ch4, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 2, sl st over to “other leg” space, repeat.
Tail- attach to post on butt, ch15, sl st in 2nd ch from hook and each.

Macaw: w/2 colors (body & head/wings)& F hook
Body: Row 1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each (12)
Row 3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (18)
Row 4- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) around (24)
 Row 5-7- sc
Row 8- (sc in 2sc, sc dec) around (18)
Row 9- sc
Row 10- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (12) Stuff
Row 11- sc
Row 12- sc dec around (6) Close off.

Head: Repeat row 1-3 for body
Row 4- sc in each (18)
Row 5- sc dec, sc in next, sc dec, sc in next, sc dec, sc in remaining sc (15)
Row 6- sc dec three times, sc in remaining (12)
Row 7- sc around. Cut, leaving a long end for sewing and stuff. Sew to round 11 of body.

Beak: Top: w/black and F hook
Row 1- ch5, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next, hdc in next, dc in next.
Row 2- ch1, turn, sc in 3 stitches, sl st in next, (working in the opposite side of beg ch) sl st in same sp, sc in next 3.
Cut. Sew flat side to face, curving it slightly.
**Beak Tips
1. I sewed the edge to the face, then sewed from one corner to the next to kind of pinch it together.
 2. Then I ran a piece down the edge of the beak to the tip and sewed the tip so that it was pointy.
 3. Then I ran it back up the other side and pulled lightly to make the beak curve a little. 

Beak Bottom: Attach around post of sc right below top w/sl st, ch2, dc around post, ch2, sl st around post. Cut off.

Tail: w/head color & F hook
The bird’s head should be facing down and away from you.
Attach w/ sl st to posts of row 3, centrally located, at the back of the bird. (Find the 5 middle posts and mark the last w/marker & count back to the first and attach there).  
1st Feather: ch9, sl st  in 2nd ch from hook and each, sl st ar next post (8)
2nd Feather: ch11, repeat 1st feather. (10)
3rd Feather: ch13, repeat 1st feather (12)
4th Feather: ch11, repeat 1st feather (10)
5th Feather: ch9, repeat 1st feather except do not sl s tar next post.(8) Cut off/ weave ends.
When weaving ends in, I ran a stitch across the base of the feathers to bring them together and help straighten them out a bit.

Back: w/head color & F hook
Row 1- ch6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each (5)
Row 2-4- ch1, turn, sc
Row 5- ch1, turn, sc dec, sc in next, sc dec (3)
Row 6- ch1, turn, sc Cut and attach to back matching up Row 1 to the tail base.

Wings: w/head color & F hook
Row 1- ch5, 3sc in 2nd ch, sc in 2ch, 3 sc in last ch,(working on the opposite side of beg ch) sc in 2ch, (10sc) join.
Row 2- ch2, hdc in sm sp, 3 hdc in next, 2 hdc in next, sc in 3 stitches, 3sc in next, sc in 3 stitches, join to ch2 (16)
Row 3- ch2, 2hdc in next 2, 3hdc in next, 2hdc in next 2, hdc in next, sc in 3 stitches, 2sc in next, 3 sc in next, 2sc in next, sc in 3 stitches, join. (26)
Row 4- Right Wing- (**Always sl st in next st)- (ch3, turn, sl st in sm sp, **) 5 times. (ch5, sl st in 3rd ch from hook and next 2, **) 3 times, sl st to next st, cut, leave long end.
Left Wing- (**Always sl st in next st)-sl st in 11 hdc, start feathers in next hdc. Repeat as for right wing.

Feet: w/black & F hook: make 2
Toe 1- ch6, sl st in 2nd & 3rd chs (do not cut)
Toe 2- ch3, sl st in 2nd & 3rd chs & orig ch Toe 3- repeat toe 2.
Sl st in rem ch’s. Cut and sew so that the feet “peek” out from under the body.

Turtle: w/tan, green & F hook
Shell: w/green
Row 1- ch2, 6sc (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each (12)
Row 3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (18)
Row 4- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) around (24)
Row 5- (sc in 3sc, 2sc in next) around (30)
Row 6-7- sc in each Row 8-9- sl st 4sc, sc in remaining.  Cut, leave a long end for sewing.

Tummy: w/tan Row 1- ch4, sc in 2nd ch and each (3)
Row 2- ch1, turn, 2sc in first, sc in next, 2sc in last (5)
Row 3- repeat row 2 (7)
Row 4- repeat row 2 (9)
Row 5-7- ch1, turn, sc Row 8- ch1, turn, sc dec, sc in to last 2, sc dec (7)
Row 9- repeat row 8 (5)
Row 10- repeat row 8 (3) don’t cut color.
Edge tummy with a sc in each row end and each sc around.

Meet wrong sides of tummy and shell together, sew pieces together from top to bottom w/green through posts on last row of shell and through sc’s on edging of tummy.

Head: w/tan
Row 1- ch2, 6sc (6)
Row 2- 2sc in each (12)
Row 3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (18)
Row 4-6- sc
Row 7- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (12)
Row 8- sc Sew to body at “arch” in shell.

Legs: w/tan, make 4
Row 1- ch2, 6sc (6)
Row 2- (sc in 1sc, 2sc) (9)
Row 3- BLO, sc in each Row 4- sc Lightly stuff. Sew on to bottom

Eyes: w/white, make 2
Row 1- ch2, 6sc. (6) Cut, sew eyes together at the middle. Embroider pupils with black

Nose: w/tan Row 1-2- repeat rows 1 & 2 of legs Row 3- sc in each Cut, light stuff, sew to face. Attach eyes. Embroider smile and nostrils if you wish.

Caretaker:  Head/Body: w/ skin color, shoe color, clothes color and F hook
R1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook (6) do not join
R2- 2sc in each sc around (12)
R3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) (18)
R4-8- sc in each (18)
R9- sc dec around (9) Stuff
R10- (sc in 1sc, dec) around (6)
R11- sc in each sc (6)
R12- 2sc in each sc (12) , Change to shirt color
R13- (sc in1sc, 2sc in next ) around (18)
R14-21- sc in each sc (18)
R22- (sc in 1sc, dec) around (12) Stuff
R23- (dec) around (6) sl st tojoin, finish off, weave ends tightening up bottom.

With Shoe color, skin color & Pants Color:
Legs (make 2, don't stuff) Start with shoe color
R1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook, do not join (6)
R2- 2sc in each sc (12)
R3- sc in 4sc, sc dec twice, sc in 4sc (10)
R4- sc in 4sc, sc dec once, sc in 4sc (9) Change to skin color R5-9- sc in each. At the end of row 9, change to pants color R10-13- sc in each
Finish off. Flatten edge and sew on to bottom part of body, evenly spaced

With Skin Color & Shirt Color: Arms (make 2, don't stuff) start with skin color
R1- ch2, 6sc in 2nd ch from hook, do not join (6)
R2-6- sc in each (6) Change to shirt color
R7-10- sc in each sc.
Finish off, sew to body @ row 12
Sl st belt onto middle of body.
Embroider hair, eyes & mouth.



  1. so cute! thanks for sharing!

  2. I love your patter! So very cute :)

  3. Oh my goodness this is the cutest thing ever and I know a really cute little boy who would like it! Thank you so much!


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