Monday, July 26, 2010

Kitty Kat in Black - 18" Doll Pattern

Kitty Kat in Black Costume- 18" Doll Pattern

by Elizabeth Mareno

Full Body

Kitty Ears

Shrug Closeup

Tail Closeup

Body Suit

F hook
Caron Simply Soft approx 6oz (or sport weight yarn)- Black
Small amt black fun fur
Lg Eye needle for assembly
1- 5/8”or 7/8” button
small safety pins or other stitch/place markers

Gauge: 18sc/20rows= 4” square.

Body: starting @ waist
Row 1- ch 51, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each ch across (50)
Row 2- (RS) ch1, turn, sc in each sc, join to make a circle with sl st. (50)
Row 3- ch1, do not turn, 2sc in sm st as join, (sc in 15sc, 2sc in next st) 3times, sc in last sc. Join. (54)
Row 4-15- ch1, sc in each sc. (54)
**First Leg:
Row 16- ch1, sc in 27sc, skip 27sc, join to 1st sc. (27)
-shorts option- Row 17-23- ch1, sc in each sc, join. (27) cut.
-pants option- Row 17-42- ch1, sc in each sc, join. (27) cut.

**Second Leg:
Row 16- Join with sl st to open sc on “front side” of pants (this will cause the seam to move to the interior of the leg)- sc in sm sp and next 26 sc, join with sl st to 1st sc. (27)
Repeat shorts option or pants option as for the first leg.
**Trim bottom of each leg with fun fur. Join with sl st and sc in each sc around.

Top: join w/ sl st to first available sc on left back.
Row 1- sc in sm sp and each sc around. (50)
Row 2-11- ch1, turn, sc in each sc. (50)

**Right Back:
Row 12- ch1, turn, sc in 10, leave remaining st undone. (10)
Row 13- ch1, turn, sc dec, sc in each sc. (9)
Row 14-20- ch1, turn, sc in each. (9)
Row 21-23- ch1, turn, sc in 4 sc. (4) Finish off.

**Left Back:
Join to opposite back.
Repeat rows 12-20 reversing shaping.
Row 21-23- ch1, turn, sc in 4. (4) finish off.

(RS) facing. Sk 5 from left-back – attach w/ sl st to next sc.
Row 12- ch1, sc in sm sp and next 19 sc. (20)
Row 13-18- ch1, turn, sc in each sc. (20)
-rt shoulder- Row 19-23- ch1, turn, sc in 4 (4) Finish off.
-lt shoulder- Row 19- (WS facing) sk 12sc, sc in last 4 (4)
Row 20-23- ch1, turn, sc in 4. (4) Finish off.

**Assembly- Sew shoulder seams together RS facing.
**Trim- start @ base of back opening. Sc up left side- around the neck and back down the opposite side, put a ch 6 loop on one corner for buttonhole. (sl st, ch6, sl st in sm sp) Attach button to the opposite corner.
**Trim for arms- join with sl st to any open sc on row 11- sc in each sc and row end, join and finish off. Do the same on both arms.

Row 1- ch35, dc in 6th ch from hook, (ch1, sk next ch, dc in next ch) repeat across. (17 dc)
Row 2-5- ch4, turn, (sk ch1, dc in dc, ch1) repeat across. Do not cut at the end of Row 5.
With a new ball of black, on opposite corner attach with sl st and chain 17. finish off.
This will be the second sleeve (you will be making sleeve #1 in the next Row).
Row 6- Using the still attached yarn from the end of Row 5, ch 19, dc in 6th ch from hook,( ch1, sk ch, dc in next ch) across, continue in established pattern across back. Ch1, sk 1st ch, dc in next ch, (ch1, sk ch, dc) across to end. (should be 8 dc on sleeves).
Row 7-11- ch4, turn, continue in established pattern.

**First Side:
Row 12- ch4, turn, continue the pattern for 13 dc, leave remaining undone.
Row 13-17- repeat row 12, Finish off.
-first side front- Row 18- do not turn, reattach black to 1st st of row just completed. Ch4, dc in sm st (increase made) (ch1, sk ch, dc in next dc) 4times. (5dc)
Row 19-22- ch4, turn, increase 1 dc at the beginning of each row. Cut off.
(should have 9dc total at end of last row).

**Second Side:
Row 12- sk 5 dc @ neck, reattach in next dc, repeat pattern.
Row 13-17- repeat for the first side. Do not cut!
-second side front- Row 18- ch4, turn, dc in sm sp (ch1, sk ch, dc in dc) 4 times. (5dc)
Row 19-22- ch4, turn, increase 1 dc at the beginning of each row. Cut off.

**Sew together with RS facing. Tuck in all loose ends.
**Trim for front- attach with sc to bottom rt front corner. 2sc in each dc row end, sc in each dc and ch around the neck, finish left side as the right side. Cut, join fun fur. Ch1, turn, sc in each sc around.
**Trim on arms- with fun fur, 2sc in each dc row end.

Headband with ears:
Row 1- with black , ch53, sc in 2nd ch and each chain across. (52)
Row 2- ch1, turn, sc in 3sc, ch2, sk 2sc, sc in rem sc. (50)
Row 3- ch1, turn, sc in each sc and ch. Cut off.
Weave ends, attach a button to end opposite hole.

**Ears: Make 2
Row 1- ch2, 1sc in 2nd ch from hook (1)
Row 2- ch1, turn, 2sc (2)
Row 3- ch1, turn, sc in 1, 2sc in last (3)
Row 4- ch1, turn, sc in 2, 2sc in last (4)
Row 5- ch1, turn, 2sc in first, sc in 2, 2sc in last (6) do not cut
Sc around outside on two edges put 3sc in the top corner. Cut off and sew to headband evenly space. Curve them in just a little.

Tail: Optional
Ch61, sc in 2nd ch from hook and each across. (60) Cut off and sew to the backside just below the opening. With fun fur, attach to tip and put 6sc in the tip of the tail. Cut off and weave ends.

© Bizzy Crochet and Design 2010


  1. Hi Biz,

    i love all your American Girl Pattern. They are all so cute. I were crochet they for my sweet little daughter her dolls. She will love it. ;o) Thanks for sharing your pattern.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Many smiles and lovely greets,

  2. Hi all,

    These are beautiful! I would like to win these for my daughter,as her fourth birthday present. Doll Clothes Superstore also has ready made hangers. It is a fantastic site for Doll clothes,

    18 Doll Clothes

  3. Hi there. I love this pattern and am making doll clothes for the first time. I finished the body suit and one side has a rather large seam opening. Did you sew up that side to match the armhole on the other side or does it need to be more open to make it easier to dress the doll?

  4. Hi Dawn, You should have an opening to get the outfit on and off easier. If you don't like how open it is, you can throw a loop and button closure on the top edges of the opening.

  5. I have a question about the shrug. When I follow the instructions for Row 1, I only get 16 dc (counting the turning chain) instead of 17 dc. Do I need to add more chains to come up with 17 dc, or is that an error and I'm supposed to have 16 dc? Help!


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