Thursday, October 21, 2021

Vintage Christmas Cushion Cover Pattern


Vintage Christmas Cushion Cover Pattern

An Ad-Free version is available on my website, Ravelry, and Etsy.


#4 Worsted Weight/Aran yarn
- Approx 4oz main color, approx 2 oz each of other colors. Perfect for scraps!
(4) 1-1/2" buttons for closure
(1) 14"x14" or 16"x16" pillow form (if you crochet loosely choose the larger form)
Hook: #7/4.5mm
Large Eye needle for tucking ends
Needle for sewing on buttons and coordinating thread or yarn

Special Stitches:

Leaf: yo, insert hook in sp on row below last st, yo, pull up loop, yo, insert hook in sp 2 rows below next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, insert hook 3 rows below next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, insert hook 2 rows below next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, insert hook 1 row below next st, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through all loops on hook, ch2, sc in st above last leaf leg.


1- Count leaf stitch as 3 stitches when counting the stitches per side.

2- Leaf uses 5 sts below working round. The 1st spike – under sc just made to right, 2nd – 1 row under 1st and 1 stitch to left, 3rd – 1 row under 2nd and 1 stitch to left, 4th – 1 row above 3rd and 1 stitch to left, 5th – 1 row above 4th and 1 stitch to left, yo, pull through 11 loops, ch 2, sc above 5th spike.


FRONT: Click Here for a YouTube Tutorial

Rd1- MR, ch3 (does not count as dc), 16dc in ring, join to first dc. (16dc)

Rd2- ch1, (sc, ch2, sc) in join sp, [*sc in 3*, (sc, ch2, sc) in next] 3x, repeat * to * once. (5sc/side)

Rd3- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner, sc in each sc] 4x, join to first sc. (7sc/side)

Rd4-5- repeat Rd3, (rd4- 9sc/side, rd5-11sc/side)

Cut color after Rd5.

Rd6- Join w/ch1 in corner ch2-sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in 4, make leaf, sc in last 3] 4x, join to first sc. (13/side)

*Remember to count the leaf as 3 stitches when counting per side.

Rd7- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2-sp, sc in 5, sc in closing st of leaf, 2sc in ch2 sp, sc in next 5] 4x, join in first sc. (15sc/side)

Rd8-10- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in each sc] 4x, join to first sc. (Rd8- 17sc/side, Rd9- 19sc/side, Rd10- 21sc/side)

Cut color after Rd 10.

Rd11- Join w/ch1 in corner ch2-sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in 5, {make leaf, sc in next 4sc} 2x] 4x, join to first sc. (23/side)

*Remember to count the leaf as 3 stitches when counting per side.

Rd12- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2-sp, sc in 6, sc in closing st of leaf, 2sc in ch2 sp, sc in next 5, sc in closing st of leaf, 2sc in ch2sp, sc in last 6] 4x, join in first sc. (25sc/side)

Rd13-15- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in each sc] 4x, join to first sc. (Rd13- 27sc/side, Rd14- 29sc/side, Rd15- 31sc/side)

Rd16- Join w/ch1 in corner ch2-sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in 5, {make leaf, sc in next 5sc} 2x, make leaf, sc in last 4] 4x, join to first sc. (33/side)

*Remember to count the leaf as 3 stitches when counting per side.

Rd17- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2-sp, {sc in 6, sc in closing st of leaf, 2sc in ch2 sp,} 3x, sc in last 6] 4x, join in first sc. (35sc/side)

Rd18-20- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in each sc] 4x, join to first sc. (Rd18- 37sc/side, Rd19- 39sc/side, Rd20- 41sc/side)

Cut color after Rd20.

Rd21- Join w/ch1 in corner ch2-sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in 6, {make leaf, sc in next 5sc} 3x, make leaf, sc in last 4] 4x, join to first sc. (43/side)

*Remember to count the leaf as 3 stitches when counting per side.

Rd22- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2-sp, sc in 7, {sc in closing st of leaf, 2sc in ch2 sp, sc in 6} 4x ] 4x, join in first sc. (45sc/side)

Rd23-25- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in each sc] 4x, join to first sc. (Rd23- 47sc/side, Rd24- 49sc/side, Rd25- 51sc/side)

Cut color after Rd25.

Rd26- Join w/ch1 in corner ch2-sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc in each sc across] 4x, join with first sc. (53sc/side)

Cut color and weave ends.

BACK: Click Here for a YouTube Tutorial

Rd1- MR, ch3 (cts as dc), 2dc in ring, (ch3, 3dc) 3x in ring, ch2, join to first dc. (4- 3dc clusters, 4- ch3-sp)

Rd2- sl st to corner ch2, ch3, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in ch2-sp, [ch1, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in next ch2-sp] 3x, ch1, join to first dc. (8- 3dc clusters, 4- ch3-sp, 4- ch1-sp)

Rd3- sl st to corner ch2, ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in each dc and ch1 sp] 4 x, join with first sc. (9sc/side)

Cut color after Rd3.

Rd4- Join w/ch3 in corner ch2-sp, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp, [*ch1, sk 3sc, dc in next 3, ch1, sk 3sc,* (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (12- 3dc clusters)

Rd5- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, [*{ch1, 3dc in next ch1-sp} across to last cluster, ch1*, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (16- 3dc cluster)

Cut color after Rd5

Rd6- join w/ch3 in corner ch2-sp, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp, [*{ch1, 3dc in next ch1 sp} across to last cluster, ch1*, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp]  3x, repeat * to * once, join with first dc. (20 clusters)

Rd7- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp, [*{ch1, 3dc in next ch1-sp} across to last cluster, ch1*, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (24 clusters)

Cut Color after Rd7.

Rd8- join w/ch3 in corner ch2-sp, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp, [*{ch1, 3dc in next ch1 sp} across to last cluster, ch1*, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with first dc. (28 clusters)

Rd9- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch3, (2dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp, [*{ch1, 3dc in next ch1-sp} across to last cluster, ch1*, (3dc, ch3, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (32 clusters)

Rd10- Repeat Rd9

Cut Color after Rd10.

Rd11- join w/ch3 in corner ch2-sp, (2dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, [*dc in each dc and ch1 sp across*, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (41dc/side)

Rd12- sl st to corner ch2-sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, [*dc in each dc across*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to first dc. (45dc/side)

Rd13-14- Repeat Rd12. (Rd13-49dc/side, Rd14- 53dc/side)

Cut color after Rd14. 

FLAP: Click Here for a YouTube Tutorial

Row1- with RS of pillow front facing you, join to the BLO of the first stitch, ch1, sc in the back loop, Working the back loop only- sc in each sc across the side. Do not cut. (53 sc)

Row2- ch2, turn, working in both loops across, hdc in each sc. Do not cut. (53 hdc)

Row3- ch4, turn, trc in each hdc across. Do not cut. (53 trc)

Row4- ch2, turn, hdc in each trc across. Do not cut. (53 hdc)

Row5- ch1, turn, sc in each hdc across. Cut yarn. (53 sc)

Weave in ends. Set front piece aside for now.


*Put both pieces wrong side together.

*Have the front facing you.

*Using your edge color and starting at the top left corner of the front- working through all thicknesses (both sets of loops from front and back pieces), ch1, 3sc in the top left corner.

*Match up your stitches going down the sides- work through all thicknesses.

*Place 3sc in each corner space.

*When you get to the top right corner, after you place your 3sc- sc in the open stitches left on Rd26 of the front from putting in the flap.

*Join to the first sc.



*sl st to the center sc of corner 3. (you should be in the top left corner of your cover again)

*Row- ch1, (sc in sc, ch7, sc in same, ch9, sc in same, ch7, sc in same, ch6, sk6) repeat around pillow edge. Sl st to join in first sc. (32 chain clusters)

Cut color.

*Attach 4 buttons evenly placed to the top edge of the back piece, using the trc row of the flap to indicate placement.


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