Sunday, October 11, 2015

Pocket BFF's- Little Dolls for Little Girls

Pocket BFF's- Little Dolle for Little Girls

by Elizabeth Mareno

This pattern is available in an ad-free version on my website and ETSY
The ad-free version also has all of the individual hairstyles explained in full. 

The pattern includes a basic pattern for body, arms, legs, and dress. 
You can personalize the pattern to your little with hair color and style, and eye color.

Take a peek at the Pocket BFF's and then go make a few BFF's of your own!

Finished doll size is 8".

They make PERFECT stocking stuffers, Advent gifts, baby shower add-on's, 
and any other small gift need!

Meet Devyn!

Meet Elenor!

Meet Gemma! 

Meet Megan!

Meet Stacy!

Here is their pattern!
Materials: Each doll requires less than an ounce of each color
Use Baby Weight, Light #3 weight, or Sport weight
My favorite yarn to use is
BabyBee Sweet Delight sold at Hobby Lobby.* They have a wide variety of colors for skin, hair, and dresses.
Skin color  (I get 6 dolls out of 4oz of skin color)
Hair color
Dress colors
Eye color/Lip color (I use scrap pieces)

Polyester Fiberfill
F hook
Large-Eye Needle for assembly

Basic Doll Body:
R1- Magic Ring (MR) with 6sc. (6sc)
R2- 2sc in each sc around (12sc)
R3- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (18sc)
R4- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) around (24sc)
R5- (sc in 3sc, 2sc in next) around (30sc)
R6- (sc in 4sc, 2sc in next) around (36sc)
R7-11- sc in each sc
R12- (sc in 4sc, sc dec) around (30sc)
R13- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (20sc)
R14- sc dec around (10sc)
R15-17- sc in each sc
R18- 2sc in each sc (20sc)
R19- (sc in 2sc, 2sc in next) 6 times, sc in last 2sc (26sc)
R20-29- sc in each sc.
FINISH STUFFING NECK/BODY. Make sure the stuffing is firm without stretching the fabric of your doll. Once you finish stuffing, flatten the bottom of the doll and whipstitch the front and back together. Here is a video tutorial on how to whipstitch.

Basic Doll Arms:
R1- MR, 6sc. (6sc)
R2- (sc in 1sc, 2sc in next) around (9sc)
R3-14- sc in each sc
R15- (sc in 1sc, sc dec) around (6sc)
Finish off, leave a long end and sew to sides right away if your hair is going to be long or in long braids. The hair will get in the way of your arm application later on. If your hair is going to be short or up in a pony tail, you can wait to apply your arms if you want to.

The two pictures above show the legs being applied with a whipstitch technique.

Basic Doll Legs:
R1- ch6, sc in 2nd ch from hook and next 3ch’s, 3 sc in last ch, (working back down the opposite side of the starting ch) sc in next 3 ch’s, 2sc in last ch. (12sc) DO NOT JOIN!
Here is a video tutorial to work both sides of the foundation chain.
R2- 2sc in 1st sc, sc in 3sc, 2sc in next 3sc, sc in 3sc, 2sc in last 2sc. (18sc)
R3-4- sc in each sc
R5- sc in 5sc, sc dec 4 times, sc in last 5sc (14sc)
R6- sc in 3sc, sc dec 4 times, sc in last 3sc (10sc)
R7-15- sc in each
Finish off. Leave a long end for sewing and apply to the bottom of the body. 

 Basic Doll Hair Cap:
Use hair color!!
Repeat Head through R11. Finish off. Leave a really long end to sew the cap the head. You will want to make sure you tack it down firmly.
Cut 13-14” long strands of hair. It will be easiest if you make yourself a 6.5-7” cardboard piece, or use a small book to wrap the hair around. Then only cut one end to make yourself 13-14” long pieces of hair. You will have to eyeball the amount of hair to cut. Start out with a little less hair and cut more if you need it, that way you don’t waste yarn in case you want to use that hair color again. 

Doll Hair:
This is how I apply the hair, but I learned what I know from this video right here:
YouTube Hair Tutorial by Allison Hoffman (CraftyisCool AmiguruME)                                



Basic Doll Dress:
R1- ch28, without twisting join to make a circle and sl st to the first ch. Ch1, sc in each ch around, JOIN. (28sc)
R2- ch2 (does not ct as hdc), hdc in the sm sp as join and each sc around. JOIN (28hdc)
R3- ch2, hdc in sm sp as join and each hdc around. JOIN (28hdc)
R4- ch1, sc in sm sp as join and each hdc around. JOIN (28sc). Finish off, weave ends.
Row 4 will be the top of your dress.
Flip the dress so that you are now working in the remaining loops from the starting ch.

R1- Attach with a sl st to an open ch near the “joins” in the top section. Ch2 (does not ct as a stitch) dc in the sm sp as ch2 and each ch around. JOIN (28dc)
R2- ch4 (cts as dc + ch1), dc in sm sp as join, [sk next dc, (dc, ch1, dc) in next] repeat around, sk last dc, join to ch3 of first ch4. (14 ch1 sp)
R3-5- sl st in ch1, repeat R2, putting your dc, ch1, dc in each ch1 space. (14 ch1 sp)
R6- ch1, (sc in ch1 sp, 7dc in next ch1 sp) around. Join with 1st sc. (7 fans)

Following the pictures on the next page, find where you want their placement. Then, join with a sl st to the front, ch7, join with a sl st to the back. Finish off and tuck ends.

Try the dress on the doll.
Mark the front with safety pins, or other markers.
Skip 8 stitches from each marker (going  the direction of the armpit) and mark the back.
Once you have them marked, use the instructions from above to put your straps on.

When your ends are tucked in you can put the dress on the doll.
Make a matching bow by holding two strands together and chaining 80. Tie it around the hair.

Embroider your face on and your BFF is ready for hugs!

© Bizzy Crochet and Design 2015
*Links marked with asterisks are affiliate links. If you use one of my links to make a purchase it won't cost you any more, but the company will give me a small bit of money back which helps me pay for the free content on my blog. Thank you for your support!

1 comment:

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