Faeries Sampler Baby Afghan Pattern
by Elizabeth Mareno
it is available on ETSY or my website.
Color A: White/Pink/Green/Blue/Yellow Variegated (Used Red Heart Super Saver “Sherbet”)
Color B: Yellow (Used Caron Simply Soft Brites “Lemonade”)
Color C: White W/Sparkle (Used Bernat “Holiday” Yarn –White w/silver)
Color D: Dark Pink (Used Red Heart Super Saver “Shocking Pink”)
Color E: Lime Green (Used Caron Simply Soft Brites “Limelight”)
Color F: Blue/Purple (Used Caron Simply Soft Brites “Blueberry”)
Color G: Hot Pink (Used Caron Simply Soft Brites “Watermelon”)
H hook
Yarn needle for weaving ends
Special Notes:
Bobble Stitch: (yo, insert into sp, yo, pull back through) repeat 2 times, yo, pull through 7 loops on hook.
Finished Size: Roughly 36”x36”
Gauge: Rows 1-3 = 4”x4”
Rnd 1: with color A, ch4, join to make a ring, ch3 (does not count as dc), 20dc in ring. Join with sl st in 1 st dc (20dc).
Rnd 2: ch3 (counts as dc from here on), (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp as join, dc in 4dc, [(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next dc, dc in next 4dc] 3x, join with sl st in top of ch3. (32dc, 4 ch2 sp).
Rnd 3: sl st in next dc and ch2 sp,
ch3 (dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch2 sp, dc in 8dc, [(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in ch2 sp, dc in next
8dc] 3x, join with sl st in top of ch3. Cut color A (48dc, 4 ch2sp).
Rnd 4: with color B, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(2sc, ch2, 2sc) in ch2sp, {ch1, sk 1dc, sc in next
dc} 6 times] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. (40sc, 24 ch1sp).
Rnd 5: sl st in sc and ch2sp, ch1, [(2sc,
ch2, 2sc) in ch2sp, ch1, sk 1sc, sc in next sc and ch1sp, {ch1, sk sc, sc in
next ch1sp} 5 times, ch1, sk sc, sc in next sc, ch1, sk last sc] 4x, join with
sl st in 1st sc. Cut color B (48sc, 32 ch1sp).
Rnd 6: with color C, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp as join, (ch1, sk 2sc, dc
in next ch1sp) twice, (ch1, sk 1sc, dc in next ch1sp) 6 times, ch1, sk 2sc, [(2dc,
ch2, 2dc) in next ch2sp, {ch1, sk 2sc, dc in next ch1sp} twice, {ch1, sk 1sc,
dc in next ch1sp} 6 times, ch1, sk 2sc] 3x, join with sl st in top of ch3. Cut
color C (48dc, 36 ch1sp).
Rnd 7: with color D, join with sl st
to any ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, sc in each dc and ch1sp to corner]
4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color D (92sc).
Rnd 8: with color E, join with a sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp as join, {sk2sc, (dc, ch1,
dc) in next sc} 7 times, sk 2sc, [(2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner ch2sp, {sk2sc, (dc,
ch1, dc) in next sc} 7 times, sk 2sc] 3x, join with sl st in top of ch3 (72dc).
Rnd 9: ch3, dc in next dc, [*(2dc,
ch2, 2dc) in corner, dc in first 2dc, (dc, ch1, dc) in next ch1sp 7x,* dc in last
2dc] 3x, repeat * to * once, Join with sl st in top of ch3. Cut color E (88dc).
Rnd 10: with color C, join with sl st
to any ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, sc in each dc and ch1sp to corner]
4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color C (124sc).
Rnd 11: with color B, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, {ch2, sk 1sc, sc in next sc}
15 times, ch2, sk 1sc] 4x, join with a sl st to 1st sc. (68sc, 68ch2sp).
Rnd 12: sl st in ch2sp, ch1, [(sc,
ch2, sc) in ch2sp, {ch2, sk sc, sc in ch2sp} 16 times, ch2, sk next sc] 4x,
join with a sl st to 1st sc. Cut color B (72sc).
Rnd 13: with color C, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, 2sc in each ch2 to next corner]
4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color C (144sc).
Rnd 14: with color G, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, 2sc in next sc, sc in 16sc, 2sc
in next sc, sc in 17sc, 2sc in next sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc (164sc).
15: sl st in corner, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {sk 2sc, 5dc in next sc, sk 2sc, sc in next sc} 6 times, sk 2sc, 5dc in next sc, sk 2sc] 4x, join with a sl st to 1st sc (28 fans, 32sc).
Rnd 16: ch3, [(dc, ch2, dc) in corner ch2sp, {dc in next sc, ch2, sk 2dc, sc in next dc, ch2, sk 2dc} repeat to corner, dc in last sc] 4x, join with sl st in top of ch3 (60 ch2sp including corners).
Rnd 17: ch1, sc in joining st, sc in next dc, [(2sc, ch2, 2sc) in corner, {sc in each dc, 2sc in each ch2sp, sc in each sc) across to corner*, repeat from * to * 3 times, join with a sl st to 1st sc. Cut Color G (196sc).
Rnd 18: with color F, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in same sp, [*sk sc, hdc in next sc and in each sc to next corner*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with sl st to 1st hdc (208hdc).
Rnd 19: sl st in hdc and ch2sp, (ch2, hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner ch2sp, [*hdc in each hdc*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat from * to * once, join with sl st to top of ch2. Cut color F (224hdc).
Rnd 20: with color A, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch3,
(dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, [*ch1, sk 2hdc, dc in 2hdc, {ch1, sk 1hdc, dc in
2hdc} 17 times, ch1, sk last hdc*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc)] 3 times, repeat * to * once
more, join with sl st to top of ch3. Cut color A (160dc).
Rnd 21: with color C, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(2sc, ch2, 2sc) in same sp, sc in each dc and ch1sp to next corner] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color C (252sc).
Rnd 22: with color E, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in same sp, sk sc, sc in next sc and each sc to next corner] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color E (256sc).
Rnd 23: with color B, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in same sp, {sc in 4sc, popcorn} 12 times, sc in last 4sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color B (48 popcorn, 212sc).
Rnd 24: with color E, join with a sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in same sp, sc in each sc and each popcorn to next corner] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color E (272sc)
Rnd 25: with color D, join with a sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in same sp, {ch1, sk sc, sc in next sc} 34 times] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. (144sc, 140 ch1sp).
Rnd 26: sl st to corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {ch1, sk sc, sc in ch1} 35 times, ch1, sk 2sc], join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color D (144sc, 140 ch1sp)
Rnd 27: with color C, join with sl st to any ch2sp, ch5 (counts as
dc and ch2), dc in same sp, [*{ch1, sk sc, dc in next ch1sp} 35 times, ch1, sk sc*,
(dc, ch2, dc) in next corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat from * to * once, join with sl
st in 3rd ch of ch5. Cut color C (148dc).
Rnd 28: with color F, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(2sc, ch2, 2sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in each dc and ch1sp to next corner] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. (308sc).
Rnd 29: sl st to corner ch2sp, ch5 (counts as dc and ch2), dc in same sp, [*{dc in next sc, ch1, sk sc, Bobble Stitch in next sc, ch2, sk sc} repeat across to next corner, dc in last sc*, (dc, ch2, dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to 3rd ch ofch5. (76 bobbles, 88dc)
Rnd 30: ch1, sl st to corner ch2, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner sp, sc
in each dc, ch1sp and bobble to the next corner] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc.
Cut color F (324 sc).
Rnd 31: with color E, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch6 (counts as dc and ch3), dc in same sp, [*dc in each sc to next corner*, (dc, ch2 dc)] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch6. Cut color E (332dc).
Rnd 32: with color G, join with sl st to any corner ch3sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, [*{dc in next dc, fptrc around post of next dc in Rnd 31} 41 times, dc in next dc*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with sl st to top of ch3. Cut color G (184dc, 164fptrc).
Rnd 33: with color C, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in next dc, (ch1, sk 1st, sc in next st), to next corner] 4x, join with a sl st to 1st sc. Cut color C (172 ch1sp).
Rnd 34: with color B, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same sp, [*dc in next 2sc, fptrc
around dc from Rnd 32, {dc in next sc, fptrc around next fptrc in Rnd 32} 41
times, dc in next dc, fpdtr around dc from Rnd 32, dc in next 2dc*, (2dc, ch2,
2dc) in corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat * to* once, join with sl st in top of ch3. Cut
color B (200dc, 172fptrc).
Rnd 35: with color C, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in 2dc, {ch1, sk next st, sc in next dc} 45 times, sc in 2dc] 4x, join with sl st in first sc. Cut color C (180 ch1sp, 200sc).
Rnd 36: with color A, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch6 (counts as dc and ch3), dc in same sp, [*ch1, sk sc, dc in next sc, {ch1, sk sc, dc in ch1sp} 45 times, ch1, sk sc, dc in next sc, ch1*, (dc, ch3, dc) in next corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch6. Cut color A (196dc).
Rnd 37: with color C, join with sl st to any corner ch3sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {ch1, sk dc, sc in ch1sp} across] 4x, join with sl st to 1st sc. Cut color C (200sc).
Rnd 38: with color E, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in each sc and ch1sp across] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. (404sc)
Rnd 39: sl st in corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {sk 2sc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next sc, sk 2sc, sc in next sc} to last 6sc, sk 2sc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next sc, sk 2 sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1 st sc. (68 fans).
Rnd 40: sl st in corner ch2sp, ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in same corner sp, [*{dc in next sc, ch1, sk 2dc, 3sc in ch2sp, ch1, sk 2dc} 17x, dc in last sc*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join with sl st in top of ch3. (88dc)
Rnd 42: with color D, join with sl st in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, (ch1, sk 1sc, sc in next) to corner, ch1, sk last sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color D (224sc, 220ch1sp).
Rnd 43: with color C, join with sl st to corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in each sc and ch1sp to next corner] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color C (452sc).
Rnd 44: with color F, join with sl st to any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {sc in 4sc, popcorn} 22 times, sc in 3sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color F (88 popcorn).
Rnd 45: with color C, join with sl st
to any corner ch2sp, ch 1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, sc in each sc and
popcorn to next corner] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color C (468sc).
Rnd 46: with color D, repeat Rnd 42. Cut color D (236sc).
Rnd 47: with color B, repeat Rnd 43. Cut Color B (484sc).
Rnd 48: with color A, sl st to any
corner ch2sp, ch6 (counts as dc and ch3), dc in same sp, [*{sk 1sc, 2dc in next
sc} repeat to corner, sk 1sc*, (dc, ch3, dc) in next corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat *
to * once, join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch6. Cut color A (488dc).
Rnd 49: with color G, join in any
corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch3sp, sc in each sc to next corner]
4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. (496sc)
Rnd 50: sl st in corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc,
ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {ch2, sk 2sc, bobble, ch3, sk 2sc, sc in next sc} 20
times, sk 2sc, bobble in next sc, ch3, sk1 sc] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc.
(84 bobbles).
Rnd 51: sl st in corner, ch6 (counts
as dc and ch3), dc in same ch2sp, [*dc in 1sc, {ch2, scin bobble, ch2, dc in sc}
across to next corner, (dc, ch3, dc) in corner ch2sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join
with sl st in 3rd ch of ch6. (172 ch2sp)
Rnd 52: sl st in corner, ch1, [(sc,
ch2, sc) in corner ch3sp, sc in each dc and each sc, 2sc in each ch2sp] 4x,
join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color G (524sc)
Rnd 53: with color C, join with sl st
in any corner ch2sp, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in ch2sp, {ch1, sk 1sc, sc in next sc}
across, ch1, sk1] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. (260 ch1sp, 272sc).
Rnd 54: sl st in corner, ch1, [(sc, ch2, sc) in corner ch2sp, {ch3, sk sc, sc in ch1sp} across, ch3, sk1] 4x, join with sl st in 1st sc. Cut color C (260 ch3sp, 276sc).
© Bizzy Crochet and Design 2012
It looks so cute! I will be trying this real soon. I will let you know how things work out :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I pinned your pattern because I love it and have already had emails that something like close to 40 others have pinned it. It is gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteCriossa-Can't wait to see pics!! :-)
ReplyDeleteShana-That's exciting! Lol. Thanks for letting me know! I'm going to have to look at this Pinterest thing someday.
I love it! Will put it in my file for just that "special" little one. I don't/won't use Caron yarns. I find that it separates easily and makes crocheting "not fun." LOL! I am partial to "I Love This Yarn" from Hobby Lobby, but use "Red Heart Super Saver" just because it is not so spendy, and I can get it almost anywhere.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good patterns. You are an inspiration to many, including me!
Hey Jimmie! I agree...Caron SS borders on evil for a crochet hook! LOL I just discovered 'I Love This Yarn' when I moved to Florida. Before that I didn't live close enough to a Hobby Lobby. But, it has quickly become my favorite go to acrylic. It works up equally well in a blanket, a toy, apparel, you name it...
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your sweet comments. :-)
Such a lovely baby afghan! Thank you for the pattern...
ReplyDeleteThis is too cute! Can't wait to try it. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWill you check row 11 and see if the final count of stitches and repeats are correct? There's a real possibility that I screwed up, but my stitch count was correct after rows 9 and 10. I love this pattern! Thanks
ReplyDeleteHI, I love your pattern - it is so pretty!! I am trying to open the link, but it is blank. Is there another way to get your pattern?
Hi Blue Llama!
ReplyDeleteEmail me and I will send you a .pdf copy!
I would love this pattern too, but can't seem to get it to download from Scribd... can you possibly send it to me? Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteazbelle3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Hi All!
ReplyDeleteIf you need a copy of the pattern emailed to you, please email me @
bizzycrochet (at) hotmail (dot) com. It is easier for me to just hit "reply" than to have to write down email addresses and try to remember to send emails out. Cuz, I can guarantee, I will forget someone without meaning to!
Thanks so much! :)
This pattern is adorable! Please email a pdf of it to me. Thank you. glwille@yahoo.com
DeleteWhen the instructions say to: "dc in 4dc", does that mean to dc in each of the next 4dc stitches?
ReplyDeleteYes it does
ReplyDeleteOh thank you so much for posting this and giving us the pattern;-) I made one similiar to this over 20 years ago; and can not find the pattern;( And it is so fun to make! We can use up most of our yarn scraps with this blanket and it keeps my interest;-) Thank you, thank you, thank you;-)
ReplyDeleteSo, I am doing this pattern and if I follow what states, when I get to row 23, I don't know what I am doing wrong, but I am only getting 12 popcorn per row, which would make the count. 48, somewhere I am off by 4. Can you help me and see if this is something I am missing?
ReplyDeleteI love this pattern. I am about to begin my third. The first one ended up enlarged to adult size for ME! The next was true to pattern and made for a baby. This one will be for a toddler. I can't wait to get the yarn together and get started. Thanks for sharing! This is my go to baby blanket: so pretty and so much fun!
ReplyDeleteDear Miz Biz: Regarding your revisions of the Faerie Baby Blanket, I have 5 words: "You're awesome! I luuuurrve yeeew!" I'd started this and it just didn't look right, plus, I actually got stuck on about row 10 or 11. I decided to just look and see if anyone had posted questions about the same issues I was having and *poof*! You'd already fixed the problem! I haven't actually gotten back to my work yet, but I have every confidence your revisions will solve everything. Thank you so much for taking the time to publish them. I love this pattern and all your other designs, too! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteDear Miz Biz: Regarding your revisions of the Faerie Baby Blanket, I have 5 words: "You're awesome! I luuuurrve yeeew!" I'd started this and it just didn't look right, plus, I actually got stuck on about row 10 or 11. I decided to just look and see if anyone had posted questions about the same issues I was having and *poof*! You'd already fixed the problem! I haven't actually gotten back to my work yet, but I have every confidence your revisions will solve everything. Thank you so much for taking the time to publish them. I love this pattern and all your other designs, too! Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteOops, spoke too soon. I've downloaded the revision and am still having trouble with the final counts of stitches coming out right on several rows. HELP! PLEASE! I need to move on with this thing as it's a gift for a baby who's already here. As ersheffey said a few comments ago, I'm having trouble with Row 23. I made sure I had 252 scs at the end of Row 22 as it called for. That's 63 scs on each of he 4 sides. The math just doesn't add up. If you do 4 scs and Popcorn 13 times, that's 65, plus the last 4 scs the pattern calls for before the corner, makes a total of 69 sts needed to follow the pattern. Am I missing something?
ReplyDeleteOk. I screwed up again. I just say down and recounted on the afghan I made for the pattern revisions. I came up with 66 total stitches per side with 12 bobbles. I don't know how I missed marking that down. I am truly sorry for all the confusion.
Is anyone having trouble with Row 20? Row 20: w/color A, join w/dc in any ch2 corner, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in sm sp, ch2, sk 2hdc, dc in 2hdc, *[ch1, sk hdc, dc in 2hdc] 17 times, ch1, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner *, repeat * to * 3 times, repeat [-] once, sl st to 1st dc. (160dc, 76 ch1 sp) Cut Color A.. Is the * in the wrong place because if i follow that I am missing 2 dc's
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous pattern!.. I see it just as beautiful if done as a shawl too, you think?!.. all those beautiful patterns and colors!
ReplyDeleteHi there, I really want to make this blanket....it's soooo cute! But I'm not an experienced crocheter so I wanted to ask if the revisions have been completed?
ReplyDeleteGo to my website www.bizzycrochet.com and look under the Free Afghan Patterns. The original and the added revisions are there.
DeleteHi there, I really want to make this blanket, it's sooo cute! But first I wanted to find out if all the revisions have been published?
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteI ran across your blog and fell in love with this pattern. Once I clicked your Ravrly link I realized it is already in my que. ha-ha. I just bumped it up. Thanks for the great pattern.
ReplyDeleteI love this pattern so I've just been on your site and download some others. I can't wait to get started. Thank you clever lady :)
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog. This is a gorgeous blanket. You do lovely work. I'm going to have to try this pattern. Your colors are just perfect. I am now a follower and hope to see lots more of your crocheting.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your beautiful pattern ~ I truly appreciate it.
Bobbie :)
I absolutely LOVE this blanket. I am in the middle (almost) of making my third one. I keep forgetting to tell you that on row 23, there are only 12 popcorn stitches, not 13. I have tried everything in power to figure out if I am doing something wrong. If I am please let me know. Thanks
ReplyDeleteKim Brand
Hi Kim! How awesome! Thanks for using my pattern! You probably aren't doing it wrong. I'm glad you have just modified it to work for you. I'm sorry about that!
DeleteThis is so beautiful! I gathered all the yarn and was so excited about starting this blanket. Everything was fine till row 8. I could not get the count to come out correct. I unraveled at least a dozen times, then finally started from the beginning. I could not get the count correct on every row. But I just worked it out and made sure I had the same number of stitches on each side. I am now on row 26 and the count is not correct. I will start from the beginning again. This is a donation blanket and I am determined to finish it. Just printed the revisions, so maybe this will help. I have been crocheting over 50 years and this project has me stumped. Thanks for such a beautiful pattern. Linda
ReplyDeleteI do not have the yarn for this. Oh darn, that means a trip to the yarn store. I suppose if I must. Hope to get started on this soon. Would really like to make it for my bed. Will let you know. Thanks for the beautiful pattern.
ReplyDeleteThe Faeries Tales Baby Blanket is the prettiest blanket. I just love this blanket and the colors are so beautiful. I downloaded it sometime back, but have yet to start it. Thank you so much for creating such an outstanding and magical blanket.
ReplyDeleteHi Patricia! Depending on how long ago you printed it off- you may want to swing by my website and pick up a new copy. All the pattern revisions have been integrated into the original pattern.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't able to print out the Fairies Tales pattern because I am using a Nook. So if you could let me see the pattern I would appreciate it her much. My e-mail address is:
This is a really nice afghan. I just crocheted one for my granddaughter that was Zebra striped (used Red Heart-Zebra) and a Hot Pink for the borders and interest in the center. It is so cool, but this is good for an older child, preferably a girl, and with all the yarn I have - I can probably find all the colors. I am for all intents and purposes a Yarnaholic!
ReplyDeleteLove this afghan. This is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteGreat job.
I shared this on my fb page. Every one loved it!
ReplyDeleteThis is the prettiest baby afghan in the WorlD!
ReplyDeleteThis is just beautiful. I am stuck on row 32 though. I don't understand how to "trc around post of next dc". Can someone please explain?
ReplyDeleteIt's like doing a front post double crochet, only your are doing a treble crochet.
DeleteI'm having a problem with row 34. The pattern says to dc in the next two dc. Row 33 is all sc and ch. help.....am I missing something????
ReplyDeleteIt was a typo.
DeleteI'm stuck on row 34. The pattern states to dc in next 2 dc, however the row 33 only has sc abs chs. help, am I missing something?
I am unable to find the pattern for download anywhere. Please post a direct link to it.
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck in row 39 ? Am I am skipping 2sc, making fan, skipping 2sc then making sc then skipping allover again ? Or is it skipping one sc and ch1 ? Skipping all the sc and check 1 spaces won't give me enough fans???? Can you help
ReplyDeleteI love the name of this blankie
ReplyDeleteI love the colours too
thank you
I cannot access the pattern, can you email it to me at: carmen_turnipseed@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI cannot find the pattern, can you email it to me at: carmen_turnipseed@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteLooks lovely with all of the different stitches you've included. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe blanket is beautiful. I found my yarn never splits using Susan Bates crochet hooks. Boye crochet hooks split my yarn.