Saturday, February 01, 2020

Sapling Baby Sampler Pattern

Sapling Baby Sampler Pattern

by Elizabeth Mareno

An ad-free version can be purchased on ETSY or my website for $3.00

Please join me on a journey with the Sapling Baby Sampler. This blanket was created specifically with Scheepjes Whirl cotton fingering yarn in mind. The beautiful color gradation in Whirl makes stunning creations simple to achieve. You don’t have to be advanced in crochet to complete a beautiful, soft, heirloom-quality baby blanket. Whirl comes in an amazing array of colors *, so you can create just about any look. The link will take you to LoveCrafts website.

Materials Used:
1 Skein Scheepjes Whirl* (Fingering Weight, 1094 yd/1000 m/ 225gms)
Color Used: Melting Macaron
F/3.75mm hook
Stitch Marker
Scissors and Lg eye needle to tuck in your end
Usually, on my afghans I don’t care about gauge, but because we are using one skein of Whirl you will want to measure so you have enough to finish.
Pattern as written- no blocking- you should have a 4” square after Row 8.
Important note concerning the start of each row:
Each row builds on the next, and each row starts in the corner chain space. You will not be cutting your yarn in between rows unless you want to switch colors. However, if you are using Scheepjes Whirl there will be no need to cut your yarn as it will change colors on its own as you go.
As you end each row you will not be in the corner space, so you will need to sl st in the remaining stitches between where you end and the corner in order to be in the appropriate space to start your next row.
Special Stitch Information:
This pattern is written in US terms.
US Terms to UK Terms:
US sc = UK dc               US hdc = UK htr           US dc = UK tr
US ch = UK ch              US sl st = UK ss            US fpdc = UK fptr
US fpsc = UK fpdc        More terms: sp=space, cts=counts, rem= remaining
BLO=Back Loop Only, FLO= Front Loop Only, st=stitch, sk= skip
 V-Stitch- dc, ch1, dc in same space
Picot V-Stitch- hdc, ch4, sl st in 1st ch, hdc in same sp
Start your Whirl with the inside color or the outside color, your choice.
Rd1- MR, ch3, 16dc in ring. (16dc) join.
Rd2- ch3 (cts as dc), (dc, ch2, 2dc) in join, [*dc in 3*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in next] 3x, repeat * to * once. Join. (7dc/side)
Rd3- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next) 3x, ch1, sk last sc] 4x. join. (5sc/side)
Rd4- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next ch1 sp) 4x, ch1, sk1] 4x. join. (6sc/side)
Rd5- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in each sc and ch1] 4x. join. (13sc/side)
Rd6- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next sc) 6x, ch1, sk1] 4x. join. (8sc/side)
Rd7- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next ch1 sp) 7x, ch1, sk1] 4x. join. (9sc/side)
Rd8- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*dc in each sc and ch1 sp*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once. Join. (21dc/side)
Rd9- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*(ch1, sk1, dc in next) 10x, ch1, sk1*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once. Join. (14dc/side)
Rd10- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in each dc and ch1 across] 4x, join. (27sc/side)
Rd11- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*(ch1, sk1, dc in next) 13x, ch1, sk1*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once. Join. (17dc/side)
Rd12- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in each dc and ch1 sp across] 4x, join. (33sc/side)
Rd13- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*dc in each sc*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (37dc/side)
Rd14- Repeat Rd13. (41dc/side)
Rd15- in corner space ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner, [in BLO, *hdc in each dc*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once. Join. (45hdc/side)
Rd16- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, bpsc around each hdc] 4x, join. (47sc/side)
Rd17- in corner space ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner, [*hdc in each sc*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (51hdc/side)
Rd18- Repeat Rd16. (53sc/side)
Rd19- Repeat Rd17. (57hdc/side)
Rd20- Repeat Rd16. (59sc/side)
Rd21- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next) 29x, ch1, sk1] 4x. join. (31sc/side)
Rd22- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next ch1 space) across, ch1, sk1] 4x, join. (32sc/side)
Rd23- Repeat Rd22. (33sc/side)
Rd24- Repeat Rd22. (34sc/side)
Rd25- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*dc in each sc and ch1*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (71dc/side)
Rd26- in corner space ch6 (cts as dc + ch3), dc in sm sp, [*(ch1, sk1, dc in sp between next 2dc) 35x, ch1, sk1*, (dc, ch3, dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to 3rd ch from ch6. (37dc/side)
Rd27- in corner space ch3, (dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner, [*dc in each dc + ch1 space across*, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (77dc/side))
Rd28- Repeat Rd26, repeat in the brackets should be 38x for this round. (40dc/side)
Rd29- Repeat Rd27. (83dc/side)
Rd30- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next sp) 41x, ch1, sk1] 4x, join. (43sc/side)
Rd31- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (ch1, sk1, sc in next sp) 42x, ch1, sk1] 4x, join. (44sc/side)
Rd32- in corner space ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner, [*hdc in each sc + ch1 sp acrss*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (91hdc/side)
Rd33- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, bpsc around each hdc across] 4x, join. (93sc/side)
Rd34- in corner space ch2, (hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner, [*hdc in each sc*, (2hdc, ch2, 2hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join. (97hdc/side)
Rd35- Repeat Rd33. (99sc/side)
Rd36- Repeat Rd 34 (103hdc/side)
Rd37- Repeat Rd33. (105sc/side)

Rd38- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, in BLO sc in each across] 4x, join. (107sc/side)
*Going from right to left, skip the first 4sc from the corner and put a stitch marker in the front loop of the 5th sc to use on Round .*
Rd39- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, BLO (sc in 4, dc in 4 rem loops from Rd37 below)13x, sc in 3] 4x, join. (109sts/side)
Rd40- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, in BLO, sc in each st across] 4x, join. (111sc/side)
Rd41- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, in BL sc in 2, (dc in 4 rem loops from Rd39, BLO in 4sc) 13x, dc in 3 loops from Rd38, push sc from Rd39 corner over and put one more dc ar loop from ch3 on Rd38, in BL sc in last sc from Rd40] 4x, join. (113sts/side)

Rd42- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, BLO sc in each st across] 4x, join. (115sc/side)
Rd43- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, in BL sc in 2, dc in 2 rem loops from 2 rows below, (BL sc in 4, dc in 4 rem loops from 2 rows below) 13x, BL sc in 4sc, dc in 1 loop from 2 rows below, repeat a dc in the ch3 sp like R41, BL sc in last sc] 4x, join. (117sts/side)
Rd44- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, in both loops, sc in each across] 4x, join. (119sc/side)
Rd45- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (sc in 2, ch1, sk1) across, sc in last 2sc] 4x, join. (82sc/side)
Rd46- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in first sc, (ch2, sk2, sc in ch1 sp) across to last 3sc, ch2, sk2, sc in last sc] 4x, join. Cut (43sc/side)
Rd47- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, (sc in each sc, 2sc in each ch2) across] 4x, join. (125sc/side)
Rd48- in corner space ch6 (cts as dc + ch3), dc in corner sp, [dc in each sc, (dc, ch3, dc) in corner] 3x, dc in each sc across, join in 3rd ch from ch6. (127dc/side)
Rd49- in corner space ch6 (cts as dc + ch3), dc in corner sp, [*(fpdc ar 2 dc, bpdc ar 3dc) across, fpdc ar last 2*, (dc, ch3, dc) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to 3rd ch from ch6. (129dc/side)
Rd50- in corner space ch6 (cts as dc + ch3), dc in corner sp, [*fpdc ar 3st, bpdc ar 3st, (fpdc ar 2 fpdc, bpdc ar 3 bpsc) across, fpdc ar last 3 st*, (dc, ch3, dc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join to 3rd ch from ch6. (131dc/side)
Rd51- in corner space, ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in each st across] 4x, join. (133sc/side)
Rd52- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in first sc, (ch2, sk2, sc in next) across] 4x, join. (47sc/side)
Rd53- in corner space ch1, [(sc, ch3, sc) in corner, sc in first sc, (ch1, sk1, 2sc in ch2 sp) across to last 2sc, ch1, sk1, sc in last sc] 4x, join. (92sc/side)
Rd54- in corner space ch5 (cts as hdc + ch3), hdc in corner sp, [*hdc in each ch1 sp and sc across*, (hdc, ch3, hdc) in corner] 3x, repeat * to * once, join in 2nd ch from ch5. (139hdc/side)

Rd55- in corner space ch4 (cts as dc + ch1), dc in same sp, ch2, V-stitch in corner space,[*(sk 2 hdc, V-stitch in next hdc) across to next corner, sk last hdc,* (V-stitch, ch2, V-stitch) in corner sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, join in 3rd ch from ch4. (48 V-stitch/side)
**DO NOT sl st to the starting corner space**
Rd56- sl st into next ch1 sp, ch4 (cts as dc +ch1), dc in same sp,  [(dc, ch3, dc) in corner space, V-stitch in each V-stitch across] join with sl st to 3rd ch of ch4. (48 V-stitch, 2dc/side)
**DO NOT sl st to the starting corner space**
Rd57- sl st into next ch1 sp, ch2 (does not ct as hdc), Picot V-stitch in same sp, [(3hdc, ch2, 3hdc) in corner sp, Picot V-stitch in each V-stitch across], join with sl st to 1st hdc. (48 Picot V-stitch, 6hdc/side)
Cut and finish off.
Blocking is recommended to make all your beautiful stitches pop. My favorite is steam blocking, and my finished size was 36” x 36”.

© Bizzy Crochet and Design 2017
*Links marked with asterisks are affiliate links. If you use one of my links to make a purchase it won't cost you any more, but the company will give me a small bit of money back which helps me pay for the free content on my blog. Thank you for your support!

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