Thursday, March 21, 2024

Crafting Memories: The Border of the Memories Blanket CAL

                      picture shows two crocheted blankets

Crafting Memories: The Border of the Memories Blanket CAL

Here we are! This is the very last pattern for the Memories Blanket. This is going to be the subtle finish to your blanket that will let the rest of your hard work shine.

One small tip before you move on: I would take the time to block my blanket before adding the border. If yours looks anything like mine did your edges look like the slide at a water park. I found it helpful to lightly block mine so my edges were straighter when I applied my border. This also helped my blanket to lay flat when it was completed.

The fifth textured section:

If you missed Section 5, click the picture below to go to the pattern: 

picture shows a crocheted piece with a raised diamond shape.

If you have already completed Section 5, we can move on to The Border. 

The border is going to consist of single crochet and chains. We will be making the Linen/Moss Stitch, which is a simple sc, ch1, sk1, repeat pattern. This is a great place to bring in colors you used throughout the blanket to tie it all together.

One tip, though! This section is going to require a lot of counting in the first round. I recommend breaking out your stitch markers so that you can keep track of where you are as you are crocheting your border foundation row. 

Let's talk colors! 

For this section, I used four different colors. I used this as an opportunity to highlight some of my favorite colors from the blanket. Contrasting Color 1 (CC1) is Sungold,  Contrasting Color 2 (CC2) is Desert Glaze, Contrasting Color 3 (CC3) is Brown, and my Main Color (MC) is Ivory. 

Have fun with it! You can make every row a different color or you can do like I did and use your main color in every other row which causes the contrasting colors to stack on themselves. 

If you want the whole pattern now:

We have made the entire pattern available to you now in a PDF upgrade that includes charts and bonus video links, as well as being available to download in either US or UK terms. It is available for the discounted price of $11.99 through the length of the CAL. You are not required to purchase the PDF- as the patterns will be forever free to view on our blogs in US terms. But, if you ever find yourself in need of extra guidance or inspiration, or you just want it all in one place, don't forget that the option is there to upgrade.


Because of the digital nature of the product, there are no refunds.

picture is the button to purchase the UK version

picture is the button to purchase the US version

So, are you ready to finish building your Memory? 

Let's Go!! 

picture shows a crocheted corner.

BORDER: Have the top or bottom of the blanket- RS facing you- start in the corner to the right. You will work the entire border with the RS facing you. Pay particular attention to which side of your work is facing you when attaching a new color.

Border Colors: MC, CC1, CC2, CC3

I used: MC- Ivory, CC1- Sungold, CC2- Desert Glaze, CC3- Brown

Abbreviations: US Terminology

(…) at end of Row or Round denotes stitch count
(…) x times- work instructions between parentheses the total number of times stated
(…) in next st- work all stitches between parentheses in the indicated st/sp
Beg- beginning
BPsc- back post single crochet
Ch- chain
Ch-sp/s- chain space/s
Ch-1 sp- chain 1 space (number denotes number of chains)
Chg- change
Cts- counts
Dc- double crochet
FPdc- front post double crochet
FPsc- front post single crochet
FPtr- front post treble crochet
Hdc- half double crochet
MR- Magic Ring
Rep- repeat
Rnd(s)- round(s)
RS- Right Side
Sc- single crochet
Sk- skip
Sl st- slip stitch
Sp- space
St- stitch(es)
Tr- treble crochet
WS- Wrong Side
YO- yarn over

Special Stitches:

Standing Double Crochet (St Dc)-  BEGINNER Standing Double Crochet Stitch
Standing Half Double Crochet (St Hdc)BEGINNER Standing Half Double Crochet Stitch
Standing Single Crochet (St Sc)-  How to Crochet: Standing Single Crochet


Note: Each ch-2 sp at the corner of each round counts as a corner.

Row 1: (RS) Using MC, attach to the first sc with a St Sc, sc in each st across to the opposite end of row, ch2, turn the blanket to work along the long edge- evenly sc 205 sc in the row ends and stitches, ch2, turn the blanket to work along the opposite short edge- sc in each st across, ch2, turn the blanket to work along the second long edge- evenly sc 205 sc in the row ends and stitches, ch2, join with the first sc. (135 sc per short side, 205 sc per long side = 680 sc, 4 ch-2 sp)

Row 2: (RS) ch1, [sc in each sc to next ch-2 sp, (sc, ch2, sc) in ch-2 sp- cts as corner] 4x, join with first sc, cut MC. (137 sc per short side, 207 sc per long side)

Row 3: (RS) Using CC1, attach to any corner ch-2 sp with a St Sc, ch2, sc in the same sp, [*sc in the first sc, (ch1, sk1, sc in the next) repeat across to the next ch-2 sp*, (sc, ch2, sc) in the corner ch-2 sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, cut CC1. (71 sc, 68 ch-1 sp per short side, 106 sc, 103 ch-1 sp per long side)

Row 4: (RS) Using MC, attach to any corner ch-2 sp with a St Sc, ch2, sc in the same sp, [*sc in the first sc, (ch1, sk1, sc in the next ch-1 sp) repeat across to the last 2 sc, ch1, sk1, sc in the last sc*, (sc, ch2, sc) in the corner ch-2 sp] 3x, repeat * to * once, cut MC. (72 sc, 69 ch-1 sp per short side, 107 sc, 104 ch-1 sp per long side)

Row 5: (RS) Using CC2, repeat Row 4, cut CC2. (73 sc, 70 ch-1 sp per short side, 108 sc, 105 ch-1 sp per long side)

Row 6 (RS) Using MC, repeat Row 4, cut MC. (74 sc, 71 ch-1 sp per short side, 109 sc, 106 ch-1 sp per long side)

Row 7: (RS) Using CC3, repeat Row 4, DO NOT cut CC3. (75 sc, 72 ch-1 sp per short side, 110 sc, 107 ch-1 sp per long side)

Row 8: (RS) ch1, [sc in each sc & ch-1 sp across, (sc, ch2, sc) in each corner sp] 4x, join with the first sc, cut CC3. (149 sc per short side, 219 sc per long side)

© Bizzy Crochet and Design, 2024

Make sure you share your progress with us in the Bizzy Crochet CAL FB Group!

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