Friday, January 07, 2011

The Aftermath.....

All of a sudden, today I felt this overwhelming need to reconnect with people. I feel as though I not only fell off the wagon, but that the wagon picked up speed as I was running to catch up with it. Frankly people, I am not in good enough shape to work that hard!
My holidays were as good as they could be considering I was literally moving out of my house on Christmas Eve morning. In a foot of snow, no less.

My inlaws came to help out. That was a great blessing to us. We just seemed to get so much more accomplished when it wasn't just us, standing in the middle of the room, totally overwhelmed by the amount of "crap" we seem to have and saying "What next?" We will be going back this weekend to get the last of the mess done. Our upstairs is emptied and cleaned. Now all that is left is the few things that remain in the downstairs. As much as I would like to just throw a bomb on it and call it good...I can't.

I can't even begin to explain the amount of junk I purged out of that house. It was ridiculous and I experienced a sense of shame at the multiple garbage bags full of completely unnecessary items that were removed on a daily basis. I never had a house like you would see on "Hoarders", but there were times I looked at what I was keeping compared to what I was throwing away and wondered "What is WRONG with me?? How did I have all of that in this little house?" I endeavor that the next place will be totally organized and void of "junk". If I am not going to use it right away, it just needs to go, cuz I will never get back to it.

So, once we got ourselves moved into my parents' one bedroom apt in their basement, we were able to slow down for a few days and enjoy Christmas. We never did get a Christmas tree put up at the apt. I hung two stockings from two leftover nails on the wall and we called it good. I was just greatful we had someplace quiet, warm and homey to be. It wasn't about the decorations, it was totally about US being together. We had a lovely Christmas Eve with my parents. My dad made a beautiful Prime Rib Roast for supper and we exchanged gifts. My kids got items they loved and appreciated. One of the funnier gifts was this tshirt that my parents bought for my husband. I was gifted with a One Year Bible to help me read through it. Like the complete slacker that I have a tendency to be, here it is the 7th of January and I haven't even started it.

Christmas morning we had our family time together. Kids opened our gifts to them and my parents opened their gifts to each other. I got to listen to my dad say "Why would you get this?" to my mom while opening one of his gifts from her. They are special. I'll just leave it at that.
We went to my inlaws for the rest of Christmas Day. There we had lasagna and spaghetti and lots and lots and LOTS of junk food. I was so huge and bloated....oy ve! This side of the family kept saying "It's the last Mareno Christmas with us all together!" we were dying, not moving away. Like any good family Christmas, there were lots of offenses taken and tense moments, but all in all it was a good day. My kids were blessed hugely by the gparents. PS3 for my gamer and an iPod touch for trendy one. The PS3 was quite unexpected.
The princess knew what she was getting because it's the only thing she asked for from them.
It was a good day for hanging out with the cousins and BFF's (Stef's best friend is her cousins girlfriend) and making memories. Like this we have grandma rocking out to the new Band Hero game one of the kids got for Christmas....
I can't complain. It was a wonderful holiday time with the families. It will probably be a long time till we are able to all be together like that again. Especially now that a couple of the nephews are getting married and/or have serious relationships. ( I old enough to have nephews that old??)
Now that life has calmed down some, I pray that I feel the desire to pick up crafting again. Right now, I just don't.
In the apt I have about 3 feet of space that is just mine.....*sigh* I suppose that will increase some because Tony is leaving for Florida next week. I won't see him again till February, when he comes home for a weekend filled with powerlifting.......then I will move down a month later.
How am I going to do this? I feel like a chunk of me is dying and breaking off. How do these military wives handle this? I'm having a rough time right now. Just pray for me.


  1. You make it one step at a time. Nobody ever makes the journey in one leap. You have amazing strength to have gotten this far, you will find you continue to have it as long as you don't try to take it on in one large step. Prayers for you and your family as you make this move.

    You have blessed one of my troubled family members as I was able to send some wonderful Christmas presents to her children for Christmas using your patterns. Like you this was a financially challenging Christmas. However, because of your gift, her kids really enjoyed the holidays.

  2. Thank you Bailey. I can't tell you what your post meant to me.

  3. Biz, May God bless you and yours on your move to sunny Florida! I am a new MALE crocheter having started in October of last year. I will have to try your Sweet and Simple Shawl for my 81-year old Mom. I noticed your weight-loss meter on your blog also - congrats on loosing ANY weight! I am a heart patient now since having a classic heart attack back in 2007 at 51 and needing to loose weight myself. I still like to eat like I was 18 but I do not have the metabolism to burn off all of the calories! I do have a male Chihuahua that walks ME at least 3 times a day so, that helps out burning the calories. Thanks so much for your crochet patterns. I have not looked at all that are on your site but, do plan on doing so shortly. Hang in there, breathe deeply and take one step at a time and before you know it, you will be moved into your new home.

    Richard in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  4. Thank you Richard! I am excited about the move and I feel like everything is in limbo just waiting for this to happen.

    Maybe we can be an encouragement to each other through our weight loss. I got serious about it again after the moose I turned into over the holidays! LOL I just feel so much better eating healthier.

  5. God bless on your journey, I asmire anyone who can make a new start for whatever reason. Your patterns are nice, used them to make prayer shawls for seniors, thanks and many blessings in the new year. Enjoy the sun
    Melanie Jarvis


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