Monday, September 13, 2021

Starting Over

 I keep sitting down to write a post about something crochet, but nothing comes out. It's not that I'm not doing it, or that I don't still love it deep down, or that I don't have ideas pop in and out of my head for new designs. It's that, suddenly, I don't know what to say. Everything feels so forced and played out. We've had a year and a half now of a different world and, I'm going to be honest, it's taking its toll. Everyone has worked so hard to stay "up" and cheerful and engaging and productive...we are all just worn out. 

Plus, my mind keeps telling me "They don't care what you're working on! Why would you post something?!" I don't think that's the truth, but you know how we listen to our insecurities and let them direct our actions? Yeah, that's me 100%.

picture credit:

My friend, Niamh, and I have been talking more lately. Poor thing, she's such a good friend and is so concerned about me. She knows there's something wrong with me- I'm not acting my normal self. I am now facing the fact that I have been in a deep depression for quite a while. It's the kind that sneaks up and sucks you down slowly. 

It started with me leaving my office job in January of 2020 with great plans. Everything in my crochet business was flowing the right way. It was time for me to step out on my own (besides leaving a toxic work environment behind). It should have been great. Within a month of me leaving my 9-5, we got the first announcement that there was a bad virus going around. The next month the world shut down. And along with it so did all my business plans. People were losing jobs because of quarantining, so everyone was holding on to their money. Which I totally understand. I was doing the same thing! No condemnation there. But, as a business owner, I just sort of retreated into the world of "Ok what now? What do I do to continue to be valuable? How do I pivot this?!"

Then, out of fear, I started scaling back and let go of services and subscriptions. I haven't sent an email in so long I'm not sure I know how to use MailChimp anymore. It all felt like another nail in the coffin of my dreams. My Christmas CAL was the last straw. We had a good turnout, but something was different. I know it was my fault. Not as many participated in the group- I couldn't afford to do all my giveaways and prizes like normal- I just shut down. 

picture credit:

Then, in November of 2020, right in the middle of the CAL, I got Covid. Oh my gosh. When I say I was sick...I mean, I slept the entire month of November away. I literally can't remember anything except eating a Thanksgiving meal I couldn't taste. I already had lung problems from the previous two years of getting bronchial infections. I think I coughed for about 2 years straight. So, Covid hit me pretty hard. I had every single possible symptom known. The month of December was also a blur. 

picture credit: adobe stock 61829361

In January we decided to move from the house we were living in into one we could better afford. God totally blessed us with the perfect sized house for the perfect amount. We couldn't have asked for anything better than where we are. I was so excited. It felt like a new beginning. We officially moved in February and started setting up the house. I was loving it. I was feeling physically better. My coughing was reducing on a daily basis.  I was able to unpack things that had been packed for over a decade from when we originally moved to Florida. It truly was like Christmas. 

But, once that was done, I don't know what happened. I couldn't pull myself out of bed in the mornings. I could barely get myself to pick up a crochet hook. My office became the catch-all for the extra things that we didn't know where to put in the house. I didn't like my picture table or my video table, so I didn't try making any videos for anything. 

I just completely stopped designing. I put out a couple patterns, but they were carryovers from the year before. (I haven't designed anything in the year of 2021). Getting supplies has been hard because we couldn't really afford for me to just go spend a bunch of money on yarn when we were working to live on one income. And the companies that I reached out to for yarn support for designs never even responded. So, I just shut down even more. 

All along I've been telling myself I'm fine and to just snap out of it. If I just do this, it will be all better. So I do that...and it's not better. Ok, so if I do this, I'll feel normal again...and I don't. I feel guilty for spending money on craft supplies because I feel like it can go for something more needed. I feel bad for feeling guilty. And then I cry and pray and feel bad because I've neglected my personal relationship with Jesus for so long I feel like a crispy, dry bone. 

I want to get back to feeling like a plump, juicy chicken wing (one of my favorite foods). I want to get back to feeling like a warrior. I want to get back to being creative and having creativity flowing out of me. The path back to this is so slow. I feel like the Lord keeps showing me what I'm hanging onto so that I will let go and let Him take care of it. Sometimes it's hard to let go of deep sadness. I feel like I've been clawing myself out of this hole for so long I may never see the top of it. But, deep down I know I will. Unfortunately, this is not the first time in my life to climb out of a pit of depression.

All along God has never left me alone. Yes, I have had a terrible time for the last year and a half. Dealing with toxic job PTSD and disappointments from personal over expectations...instead of walking in a place of grace and forgiveness and allowing myself to process all my feelings before trying to move on to "bigger and better". September is the first month that I have felt a sense of release. I feel creativity beginning to bubble up in me. I actually have the desire to design again and have started on a new pattern that is so far out of my usual comfort zone I just pray it works. LOL

If you have read this far, pray for me. This was a post I just needed to write so I could move on. I hope you don't feel as though you wasted your time. I need to (we all need to) break the tie that this sadness has had over me (over all of us). You know how sometimes just talking something out and admitting you've had a problem seems to be the catalyst to moving forward? That's where I'm at. I need to face this thing and call it what it is and stop letting it have control over me. That's not who I am and it's not who God created me to be. 

Thank you for your time and your ear. I pray blessings over you and if you are going through a hard time too, let me know so I can pray for you. We are all in this together. 


  1. We love you Biz!! You take your time and take care of yourself mentally. We will be here to support you no matter what!!

    1. Thank you Brooke! I appreciate it more than you know!

    2. Well said! Things have really changed and we all have felt the sadness. I will pray 🙏 and light a candle 🕯️. I think you're a wonderful person, so sweet and empathetic! Keep going 🤗 Much love 🌹

  2. Love you Biz! You may not realize this, but you have taught me many things since I started following you! I was just thinking about it yesterday. I didn't know there were so many different kinds of yarn! You opened up a whole new world of crocheting for me! I still prefer to do basic things that don't require me to think too much - but it's fun to get out of my comfort zone and make something more complicated every once in awhile! Always remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image and He is an extremely creative being!! Just take one step at a time and leave the rest to Him. He will have beautiful things flowing out of you in no time!!

    1. Thank you Mary! It blesses me so much to know that I am helping you expand your craft!! :)

  3. Sending love and support

    1. Thank you Grandma Mary! It is much appreciated!

  4. You have blessed so many with your work you need time to heal and you will find that creativity.

    Lots of prayers for you.

    However, I just wanted to say about your prayer that seems so focused on this has to work, if it doesn't you will continue on until what supposed to work does. It doesn't always feel that way but you will emerge from the darkness into the light. Peace and God Bless.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. You are right. I am trying not to focus so much on "my" desire but what God desires. Whatever comes of it I know it will be exactly what I need and what I should be doing.

  5. we are here for you,take your rush it will happen.

    1. Thank you Mik! I appreciate you!!

  6. Prayers for you Biz, I think a lot of us are feeling like you. This year has certainly taken it's toll. I too got into a low spot, but the pattern younpublidhed in the magazine got me back on track k. I love your patterns and you have introduced me to my now all time favorite yarn.

    I hope this finds you feeling better, we will be patient and wait for your what I feel will be your most exciting project yet..

    Feel better, take care of yourself. Will be praying for you and your family.

    1. I am so happy my pattern helped your crojo! And thank you so much for your care. :)

  7. I 100% relate to this post! I'm right there with you and want to thank you for writing this, because it does help to know we aren't alone and to see others overcoming! Many Blessings to you and yours!

    1. Thank you for commenting! It does mean so much more when we lean on each other!


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